Arrival, planning and choice time: As children arrive teachers greet them and start preparing for the day, as kids explore around the interest areas.
Hand Washing and breakfast: Children wash their hands and enjoy breakfast!
Large group meeting Potty breaks: During this gathering as a group, teachers introduce songs and welcome the class.
Choice time: Children move around the interest areas and explore independently
Table Activity: Children gather at the table to do a special experience
Outdoor play
Handwashing and lunch
Potty breaks and diaper changes
Nap time
Diaper change, potty break and snack
Read aloud and free play
Music and movement: Children enjoy music, play instruments and dance as a class
Outdoor Play
Monday to friday————–6:30am – 6:00pm
Monday to friday———-6:30am—6pm
Monday to friday————–6:30am – 6:00pm